People of Darkness (1980)

People of Darkness (1980)

Central Intelligence Agency

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a special division of the U.S. government that is in charge of foreign information operations. It was created as part of the National Security Act in 1947, which was amended again in 2004 with the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act. The CIA is a secret service known for its high-tech, innovative modes of gathering information and executing special national security operations.It is also known for promulgating and participating in secretive abuses of power, including torture. The primary function of the CIA is to collect information related to national security, mainly through human sources. In recent decades, however, the agency increasingly utilizes cyber technology to collect and analyze information pertinent to counterterrorism, international crime organizations, and drug trafficking.


From the Latin, where "homo" refers to "man" and "cida" refers to "killer," a homicide occurs when one human takes the life of another. It should be noted that there are various types of homicides and not all homicides are illegal. Murder in the first degree is the wrongful murder of another person with both intent and premeditation to kill established as motives prior to the act. Second degree murder is considered a “crime of passion,” meaning that there is no premeditation but there is intent to kill. Manslaughter is the killing of another person but is not considered murder because neither premeditation nor intent are present, although the desire to do bodily harm to another person was part of the motive prior to the act. Involuntary manslaughter, in which neither premeditation, desire to kill, nor commit bodily harm are present. A common example of involuntary manslaughter is a traffic accident cause by people under the influence of drugs or alcohol. There are also legal homicides, which includes killing a person for self-defence or the self-defense of another human being.

manila folder

An iconic off-white file folder with an extended tab commonly used for holding and organizing documents. Such folders were originally made of manila hemp, and the name remained, even though they are now made of stiff, strong paper. Manila envelopes are similar in design to manila folders, with both coming in sizes that can accommodate either letter- or legal-sized documents without having to fold them.

hollow point

A hollow point is type of bullet with a hollow front, which makes it a lighter and therefore faster projectile than heavier ammunition, allowing for greater accuracy in shooting. The other advantage of this type of bullet is that once it hits a target, its front edge (the hollow point) expands upon impact, decreasing penetration range but causing more extensive tissue damage along a lateral spread. Hollow point bullets are popular among medium-game hunters, as they kill target animals faster and more efficiently than traditional bullets.


A large scavenger bird that subsists on the flesh of dead animals, also known as carrion, and occasionally small living mammals it takes down as prey. The most common buzzard in the Southwest is the turkey vulture, which is easily recognized by its long wings, distinctive flight feathers, and bald red head. The wings of all buzzards are set at an angle, known as a dihedral, to its body, which allows buzzards to fly in tight circles high above the ground as they look for food. They have black and brown plumage and a bald red head. As buzzards eat decaying flesh their bald heads protect them from getting covered in putrescent flesh which can have a viscous consistency. Buzzards have specially functioning immune systems that allow them to eat dead flesh and not get sick.

peyote religion

The belief system upon which the Native American Church is established. Founded in 1918 as a Pan-Indian movement and in response to government abuses and relocations, the Native American Church synthesized Christian faith and principles with the sacramental use of peyote, a small, spineless cactus that grows primarily in Texas and Mexico and that is known as a hallucinogen. Although using peyote for ceremonial purposes occurred in many tribes prior to the organization of the Church, the Native American Church is the first, large ceremonial organization to transcend tribal differences. The Church still exists today despite U.S. legal objection to the use of peyote, which is classified as an illegal drug.

Peyote ceremonies, intended for healing and blessing, usually take place on weekends, but there is no set schedule. Some groups hold meetings monthly while others are more spontaneous. Because peyote is psychoactive, service participants often have visions, but it is the community experience of these effects that gives the ceremony spiritual power.


A term used in music to describe abrupt sounds that are set apart as opposed to smoothly integrated or sustained sounds, thereby creating a style of singing or playing that is marked by short, disconnected, and often quickly played notes. In musical annotation, the staccato note is recognized by the placement of a small dot above or beneath the note, depending on the cleff, to indicate the quick lifting sound the playing of the note should register.

Hollywood Squares

Officially title "The Hollywood Squares," this was an iconic popular American television game show that aired between 1965-1982. Known for its humorous and oddball dialogue, the show involved nine celebrities sitting in a construction of squares simulating a game of tic-tac-toe, with two contestants trying to guess the accuracy of the celebrities' answers to trivia questions presented to them by the game-show host. The show offered prizes such as furniture sets, vacation trips, or cash to winning contestants. The show was revived as "Hollywood Squares" in the late 1990's and ran through 2004.


An academic field that is comprised of a group of disciplines concerned with human cultures, values, and forms of expression. In most universities and colleges the humanities are a separate division, distinct from the physical, biological, and social sciences, for example, that includes the study of languages, history, literature, art, and philosophy.

Lomas Boulevard, Albuquerque, New Mexico

One of the older, major streets in Albuquerque, NM. The name Lomas means "hills" in Spanish, and is fitting with the street's route, which runs from Old Town in the western river valley all the way to the new developments in the foothills on the eastern edge of town, crossing some of the city's central neighborhoods, such as Downtown and Nob Hill. Some of the city's main institutions, such as the University of New Mexico and its hospital, the court houses, and city hall are located along Lomas Avenue, as well as numerous office buildings and commercial establishments.


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