A Thief of Time (1988)

A Thief of Time (1988)

Hillerman at Book Signing

PICT 000-501(2)-0064

Hillerman with Readers

PICT 000-501(2)-0063

Hillerman, A Crowded Book Signing

PICT 0000-501(2)-0062

Promotional Tour Itineraries for Thief of Time, 1988.

This folder contains itineraries and some publisher correspondence for Tony Hillerman's promotional book tour for A Thief of Time.

Correspondence from Publisher Regarding Thief of Time, 1987.

This folder contains 6 pieces of correspondence between Tony Hillerman and the editor and publishing staff at Harper & Row. While the correspondence documents are not available for viewing online, researchers may visit the Center for Southwest Research at the University of New Mexico to view them in person.

Pleasantville, New York: ImPress (Reader's Digest Association), 2005.

Mapped Locations for "A Thief of Time"

This map displays the major southwestern geographic references mentioned in the novel, "A Thief of Time." It includes locations in Arizona and New Mexico. Click on each map marker to see a brief description of the location. Scroll or zoom the map using your mouse, or click the square icon in the top right corner of the map to view it in full screen mode.


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