brush arbor


    A temporary shelter that consists of a roof constructed out of tree branches or brush that are held up by poles. Often used in the Southwest to provide shade. For the Navajo, brush arbors function as temporary hogans during the summer months and are often erected at sheep camps or even on the vicinity of the primary female hogan associated with the matriarch of a family. The brush arbor may be used by females to perform non-ceremonial daily activities during the summer.

    Photo Credit

    "Navajo family in their summer hogan, circa 1955," photograph by New Mexico Tourism Bureau. New Mexico Magazine Collection, Album 28 (HP.2007.20.591), Palace of the Governors Photo Archive, New Mexico History Museum. Use with permission only.


    Hirschfelder, Arlene, and Paulette Molin
          2000   Hogan. Encyclopedia of Native American Religions, Updated Edition. New York:
             Facts On File, Inc. American Indian History Online. Facts On File, Inc.
             accessed September 19, 2014.