

    A tough cotton textile, typically dyed indigo blue. First made in France, where it was called "serge de Nîmes," which is where we get the name "denim," the fabric has been iconically used in the United States since the eighteenth century. First associated with the working class,especially miners during the various nineteenth-century goldrushes, denim has also attained cult status as a fashion statement in and of itself.

    Photo Credit

    "Typical doubleseam sewn into a pair of Levi jeans, one of the most iconic treatments of denim, October 2, 2005" by Dreamyshade is licensed under CC BY-SA.

    Term Type

    BBC News Magazine
    Hegarty, Stephanie
    2012 How Jeans Conquered the World. Http://, accessed July 18, 2014.

    Sandra Curtis Comstock
    2011 The Making of an American Icon: The Transofrmationof Blue Jeans during the Great Depression. In Global Denim. Daniel Miller and Sophie Woodward,eds. 23-50. Oxford:Berg.