dog skin


    In this context, dog skin refers to a Navajo Wolf, a witch that dresses in the skin of a wolf. The Navajo Wolf can also read others' minds, control minds, bring forth disease, destroy homes, and even cause death.

    Photo Credit

    "Wolf skin, August 6, 2013" by Ian Stannard is licensed under CC BY-SA.

    Published Works
    Term Type

    Frisbie, Charlotte J.
         1987   Navajo Medicine Bundles or Jish: Acquisition, Transmission, and Disposition in the
             Past and Present. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

    Kulckhohn, Clyde and Dorothea Leighton
         1946   The Navaho. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

    Shepardson, Mary and Blodwen Hammond
         1970   Navajo Mountain Community: Social Organization and Kinship Terminology.
             Berkeley: University of California Press.