

    Referring to Keres, a dialect cluster spoken by several groups of Pueblo people within what is now New Mexico. The dialect is divided into primary two groups, the Eastern and Western groups. The Eastern group includes Cochiti, San Felipe-Santo Domingo, and Zia-Santa Ana Pueblos. The Western group includes Acoma and Laguna Pueblos. Although each Pueblo speaks its own language, the ability to communicate across the dialects is possible.

    Photo Credit

    "Kiva, Zia Pueblo, New Mexico," photograph by Edward S. Curtis. Palace of the Governors Photo Archives Collection (144724). Palace of the Governors Photo Archive, New Mexico History Museum.

    Term Type

    Clark, Carol Lea
         N.d.    Pueblo Languages. The American Mosaic : The American Indian Experience.
   , accessed
             December 12, 2014.

    Waldman, Carl
         2000   Keres. Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes, Third Edition. New York: Facts On
             File, Inc.