male rain


    In traditional Navajo belief, a thunderstorm with torrential rain is considered a male rain. A gentle, slow-moving rain, accompanied perhaps by low clouds and mist, is a female rain. In general, male rains are associated with the violent seasonal summer storms known as the monsoons, whereas female rains are associated with the stirring of the seasons when spring rains bring the high desert to life. This duality marks a general structural gendering in Navajo cosmology; whether it's Father Sky and Mother Earth or the male and female sides of a hogan, ultimately it’s the equilibrium between the two forces, qualities, and characteristics that enable healthfulness, harmony, and beauty.

    Photo Credit

    "Northern New Mexicon monsoon, May 10, 2013" by Mike is licensed under CC BY-SA.

    Published Works
    Term Type
    Manuscript Occurrences

    Burlin, Natalie Curtis
    1907 The Indians' Book: An Offering by the American indains of Indian Lore, Musical and Narrative, to Form a Reocrd of the Songs and Legends of Their Race. Ney York: Harper and Borthers Publishers.

    Franciscans, St. Michaels, Arizona
    1910 An Ethnologic Dictionary of the Navaho Language. Saint Michaels, Arizona: Franciscan Fathers.

    Locke, Raymond Friday
    1976 The Book of the Navajo, 6th edition. Los Angeles: Mankind Publishing Company.

    Navajo Nation, DED
    2004 Traditional Beliefs. The Navajo Nation Economic Development. Http://, accessed July 8, 2014.