

    This is the name the menstruation, puberty, or maturity ceremony that celebrates a Navajo girl's entrance into womanhood. There are different accounts of the processes, chronology, and rituals within the ceremony, but the aspects outlined below account for many of the variations found within the varying versions of the ceremony.

    This ritual has been passed down through generations, originating with First Woman's daughter, Changing Woman, who had a kinaaldá so that the earth people could have children and be together in a way approved of by the Holy People. The first kinaaldá ceremony was performed at Emergence Place in First Woman's house. In the first kinaaldá Changing Woman ran in the direction of the sunrise four times, washed her hair in the suds of a yucca plant, was blessed and "molded" into a woman by her mother, and baked a large corn cake for the Sun. In some versions of the story, it is thought that White Shell Woman becomes Changing Woman during this ceremony.

    In emulation of the coming to maturity of Changing Woman, shortly after her first menstruation, a young Navajo girl engages in a variety of tasks and traditional actions, many of which are performed alongside the women in her community. Some of these activities include washing of hair, being dressed and prepared by female family members, fasting, running long distances, offering and receiving blessings, and the making of a corn meal cake. On the final night, a hataalii (ceremonial healer) sings the twelve hogan songs with all in attendance participating in the sing until morning.

    Photo Credit

    "Young Navajo girl near Gallup, NM, circa 1941," photograph by John Candelaria (180433). Palace of the Governors Photo Archive, New Mexico History Museum, Santa Fe, NM.

    Published Works
    Term Type

    Beck, Peggy V. and A.L. Walters
    1977 The Sacred: Ways of Knowledge, Sources of Life. Tsaile: Navajo Community College Press.

    Begay, Shirley
    1983 Kinaalda: A Navajo Puberty Ceremony. Rough Rock: Navajo Curriculum Center.

    Carr, Lean and A.A. Carr
    2000 Kinaaldá : A Navajo Rite of Passage. New Yrk: Women Make Movies.

    Iglesias, David Claudio
    2001 Kinaalda: Navajo Rite of Passage. In Native Peoples 14(2): 80.

    Navajo People Culture and History
    2010 Kinaalda: Celebrating Maturity of Girls among the Navajo.…, accessed June 16, 2014.

    Paper, Jordan
    2014 Navajo Kinaaldá. The American Mosaic: The American Indian Experience.…, accessed June 26, 2014.

    Rossel, Monty
    1993 Kinaalda: A Navajo Girl Grows Up. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company.