

    Sinkholes, also known as cenotes in Spanish, occur naturally when water slowly dissolves bedrock (usually limestone or gypsum, which erode easily) until the ground collapses and a hole is created. Because rock erosion first happens underground, leaving a top layer intact, the collapse of that layer often happens quite suddenly. Water can tend to collect in the hole, thereby creating even more of a hazard for the unaware. Sinkholes can be found all over the world and vary greatly in size, ranging from a few feet to hundreds or more feet in diameter, and from 1 to 100 or more feet deep.

    Photo Credit

    "Sudden sinkhole collapse, Upton, Kentucky, March 19, 2013" by frankieleon is licensed under CC BY.

    Published Works
    Manuscript Occurrences

    Kaufmann, James E.
    2007 Sinkholes. USGS., accessed March 24, 2015.

    National Geographic Online
    2015 Sinkhole.…, accessed March 24, 2015.