Wind People


    In the Navajo origin story, when the First Man, First Woman, Dawn Man, Dawn Woman, Sky Blue Man, Sky Blue Woman, Twilight Man, Twilight Woman, Darkness Man, and Darkness Woman, gather together for a meeting to create the earth, sun, moon, and stars, the Wind People are the creatures that breathe life into what was created.

    In another Navajo story First Woman, First Man, Coyote, and all the other creatures including Water Buffalo, climb the female reed from the flooding Third World (Yellow World) into Fourth World (White World). However the flooding follows the group, and they discover that Coyote has stolen two babies, a male and a female, from Third World. After Coyote gave the male child back to Third World the water receded in Fourth World. The Wind People are creatures that help dry Fourth World once the water receded.

    Photo Credit

    "Wind, August 18, 2009" by 16:9clue is licensed under CC BY.

    Published Works
    Term Type

    McNeley, James Kale
         1981   Holy Wind in Navajo Philosophy. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.