L'ultima danza del sacro giullare==Sacred Clowns [Italian, hard copy, 1994]

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Date Published
Publication Details

Milan: Interno, Giallo: Mondadori, 1994.

ISBN Number


Edition Notes

This is the first Italian edition of Tony Hillerman's 1993 novel Sacred Clowns. The cover art on the dust jacket is a fanciful synthesis between a traditional Euro-American circus clown and a Hopi clown kachina.

  • Title Page Transcription:
    Tony Hillerman | L’ULTIMA DANZA DEL SACRO GIULLARE | Traduzione di M. Walter | INTERNO | GIALLO | [rules] | MONDADORI
  • Contents:
    [i] IPERFICTION, [ii] blank, [iii] title page, [iv] dedication, copyright, and imprint I edizione settembre 1994, [v] half title page, [vi] author's note, 7-236 text, [237] blank, [238] blank, [239] blank, [240] editor's imprint
  • Physical Attributes:
    • Format: Hardback, 23.5 x 16 cm.
    • Binding: Silver paper-colored boards with the author's name and title of the novel printed horizontally in white along the spine, with the publisher's logo printed in black and white at the bottom.
    • Collation: [i-vi] 7-236 [237-240]
    • Price: Lire 28.000

CSWR A17: 1994