The Great Taos Bank Robbery and Other True Stories of the Southwest [Perennial, paperback, 2001]



Date Published
Publication Details

New York: Perennial(HarperCollinsPublishers), 2001.

ISBN Number


Edition Notes

This is the first Perennial paperback edition published in 2001 by HarperCollinsPublishers. The cover design is by Kristin Anderson with cover photo by Jake Rajs/Tony Stone Images. The front cover features a photograph of a bison standing in tall yellow grass, with blue sky and cumulus clouds in the background. The title is printed on a stylized inset resembling crumpled paper or old newsprint. Praise from the Los Angeles Times is across the top, and the author's name and "New York Times-Bestselling Author of Hunting Badger" appear across the bottom of the front cover. The back cover displays an opacified version of the photo from the front cover, without the bison, praise from the (Santa Fe) New Mexican, a two-paragraph synopsis, praise for Tony Hillerman, the publisher's imprint, price, and barcode sticker. The inside front and inside back covers are blank.

  • Title Page Transcription: THE | GREAT TAOS | BANK ROBBERY | star graphic | AND OTHER TRUE STORIES | OF THE SOUTHWEST | TONY HILLERMAN | [logo] | Perennial | An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
  • Contents: [i] Praise for Tony Hillerman and The Great Taos Bank Robbery, [ii] Books by Tony Hillerman, [iii] About the Author with author photograph by AP Newsfeatures, [iv] blank, [v] title page, [vi] copyright, [vii] dedication, [viii] blank, [ix] Acknowledgements, [x] blank, [xi-xii] Contents, [xiii] half title THE | GREAT TAOS | BANK ROBBERY, [xiv] blank, [1]-169 text, [170] blank, [171]-173 Author's Notes, [174-178] blank
  • Physical Attributes:
    • Format: Paperback, 20.2 x 13.3 cm
    • Binding: Full-color paper covers with title, author, and logo printed in black on a white rectangle, on a red background, on the spine.
    • Collation: [i-xiv], [1]-[178]
    • Price: $13.00 USD
Hieb, 1990: C1