corpse hole


    Navajos have strict taboos regarding death, as it is believed that contact with the deceased can can place the living in contact with the roaming spirit of the dead, causing an imbalance in the living called ghost sickness. It is believed that if a person dies inside a structure, his or her spirit is trapped inside the structure, contaminating the structure and making it uninhabitable. A hole is created in the northern wall of the hogan to release the ghost, known as chindi in Navajo, from the structure. The hogan is then either left to decay or burned down. If the hogan is left abandoned, all openings other than the corpse hole are closed in order to warn others as to what has happened in the dwelling.

    Published Works
    Term Type


    Brugge, David M.
         1978.   Comparative Study Of Navajo Mortuary Practices. American Indian Quarterly 4 (4):

    Jett, Stephen C., and Virginia E. Spencer
         1981   Navajo Architecture: Forms, History, Distributions. Tucson: University of Arizona

    Reichard, Gladys Amanda
         1928   Social Life Of The Navajo Indians: With Some Attention To Minor Ceremonies.
             Columbia University Contributions To Anthropology, vol. 7. New York: Columbia
             University Press.