Stockholm: Reader's Digest Aktiebolag, 2001.
This is a Reader's Digest compilation volume (Det Bästas Bokval) of four novels: Elfte Budet (The Eleventh Commandment) by Jeffrey Archer, Vi Möts Igen (We'll Meet Again) by Mary Higgins Clark, Jaga Gråvling (Hunting Badger) by Tony Hillerman, and Lapptäcksjuntan (Round Robin) by Jennifer Chiaverini. It was published in 2001 by Reader's Digest Aktiebolag in Stockholm. The top half of the dust jacket is blue, and the bottom half is white. The front cover displays DET BÄSTAS BOKVAL in white and thumbnails of the covers of the four included novels. The back cover shows author photographs and names. In the top, blue half of the back cover are color photographs of Jeffrey Archer and Mary Higgins Clark. In the bottom, white half of the back cover are black and white photographs of Tony Hillerman and Jennifer Chiaverini. DET BÄSTAS BOKVAL, the titles and author names of the four included novels, and the Reader's Digest logo are printed on the spine. The inside front and inside back flaps contain synopses of the four included novels.
- Title Page Transcription: DET BÄSTAS BOKVAL | horizontal rule | READER'S DIGEST AKTIEBOLAG, STOCKHOLM
- Contents: [i-ii] blank, [1] half title DET BÄSTAS BOKVAL, [2] blank, [3] title page, [4] copyright, [5] contents, [6-7] illustrated title page for Elfte Budet, [8] frontispiece for Sista Chansen, 9-514 text, 515 biography of Jennifer Chiaverini with photo, 516 copyrights of individual novels, [517-518] blank
- Physical Attributes:
- Format: Hardcover, 20 x 13.5 cm
- Binding: Navy blue coated material. "DET BÄSTAS BOKVAL," the titles and author names of the four included novels, and the Reader's Digest logo are printed on the spine in gold.
- Collation:
- Price: Price not given
CSWR A20, 2001