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Date Published
Publication Details
San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986.
ISBN Number
Edition Notes
The New Black Mask No. 7, edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli and Richard Layman, contains a story by Tony Hillerman, "Chee's Witch," beginning on page 85. The story, according to Tony Hillerman, was an experiment with certain plot elements. He states, "Readers of my books may notice that one of these ideas later became an important part of The Dark Wind and the other the key to The Ghostway."
This volume also contains stories by other well-known writers such as Joyce Carol Oates and Ed McBain. It was published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich in 1986.
- Title Page Transcription:
[mask illustration] The New | [triple rule] | BLACK | [rule] | MASK | [triple rule] [smoking gun illustration] | Number 7 | [rule] | EDITED BY | MATTHEW J. BRUCCOLI & RICHARD LAYMAN | A HARVEST/HBJ BOOK | HARCOURT BRACE JOVANOVICH, PUBLISHERS | SAN DIEGO NEW YORK LONDON - Contents:
[7] half title The New BLACK MASK, title page, copyright A B C D E F G H I J, Contents, blank, second half title, blank, 1-227 text, [228] blank, [229] subscription information, [230-232] blank - List of Contents:
- Ed McBain: An Interview
- Honesty by Ed McBain
- Busman's Holiday by Josh Pachter
- Little Moses/The Society for the Reclamation and Restoration of "E. Auguste Napoléon Bonaparte" by Joyce Carol Oates
- Chee's Witch by Tony Hillerman
- The Blue Book of Crime by Jerome Charyn
- One for the Money by Peter Heyrman
- The Death of the Tenth Man by Steve Oren
- Murder, though it has no tongue... by Maurade Glennon
- Capriccio by Isak Romun
- You Can't Fire Me for Doing My Job by Clarke Dimond
- Hollywood Detective by Ron Goulart
- Physical Attributes:
- Format: Paperback, 20 x 13.5 cm
- Binding: Full-color paper covers
- Collation: [7] 1-227 [228-232]
- Price: $7.95 USD