Heimlich, still und mörderisch: ein Krimi-Lesebuch [Rowohlt, hardcover, 1989]

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Date Published
Publication Details

Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Verlag, 1989.

ISBN Number


Edition Notes

This is a crime reader published in 1989 by Rowohlt Verlag, which contains the Tony Hillerman short story, "The Witch, Yazzie, and the Nine of Clubs" (translated as "Tracks of a Werewolf" in German). The story was translated into German by Klaus Fröba. In this story, somewhat contemporaneous with People of Darkness, the newly assigned detective Jim Chee solves a mystery during a long evening attending a Navajo ceremony.

This volume is edited by Bernd Jost and Peter M. Hetzel, and contains work by other American and European mystery writers as well as Hillerman.

This is a hardcover book with a dust jacket and clear plastic cover.

  • Title Page Transcription:
    Heimlich, still | und mörderisch | Ein Krimi-Lesebuch | herausgegeben von | Bernd Jost und Peter M. Hetzel | Rowohlt
  • Contents:
    [1] publisher logo, [2] blank, [3] title page, [4] copyright, [5] Inhalt, [6] blank, 7-313 text, [314]-316 Über die Autoren, [317]-318 prior copyright information, [319-320] blank
  • List of Contents:
    1. Leider war es Mord, Janwillem van de Wetering
    2. Die Leute sind so leichtgläubig, Colin Dexter
    3. Der Glücksbringer, Linda Barnes
    4. Spuren eines Werwolfs, Tony Hillerman
    5. Das Mal, Julian Symons
    6. Der Zufallsgenerator, Peter Schmidt
    7. Die Meisterpartie, Peter Zeindler
    8. Nur kein Mitleid mit ihm, William Krasner
    9. Mir kommen die Tränen, -ky
    10. Unerfreulicher Besuch, John Collier
    11. Happy-End...?, Hansjörg Martin
    12. Der jähzornige Gastgeber, Ruth Rendell
    13. Dakapo, Felix Huby
    14. Eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit, Léo Malet
    15. Ein begehrenswerter Wohnsitz, P. D. James
    16. Eine raffinierte Art von Geschicklichkeit, B. M. Gill
    17. Brutaler Charme, Detlef Blettenberg
    18. Der Gefangene, Ed McBain
    19. Über die Autoren
    20. Quellen-und-Urheberrechtshinweise
  • Physical Attributes:
    • Format: Hardcover, 22 x 14.5 cm
    • Binding: Full binding, black cloth-covered boards. A graphic version of the jacket photo is embossed on the front cover in silver. On the spine, the book title is embossed within silver rectangles, and the publisher name is in silver at the bottom.
    • Collation: [1-6] 7-313 [314]-[320]
    • Price: Price not given