Badger Clan


    In Native American social structures, a clan is an interrelated social group whose connections derive from parentage as well as kinship. Clan configurations develop and are expressed uniquely in different indigenous groups, and each tribe is comprised of numerous various clans. Clan names often originate in the natural environment of the tribe’s homeland, and refer to place names, fauna and flora, or significant natural phenomena.

    The Badger Clan is one of the clans that make up the Hopi system of kinship. The name is probably a reference to the mammal that is commonly found across Southwestern parts of the U.S. and is considered one of the revered hunting animals according to Hopi lore. A clan by the same name also exists in the Zuni Pueblo.

    Term Type

    Beaglehole, Ernest
         1970   Hopi Hunting and Hunting Ritual. Yale University Publications in Anthropology. New
             Haven:Human Relations Area Files Press. Accessed November 18, 2015.
   , ccessed November 18, 2015.

    Kroeber, Alfred Louis
         1917   Zuñi Kin And Clan. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural
             History. New York: The Trustees.
   , Accessed November 18, 2015.

    Sturtevant, William C., and Alfonso Ortiz
         1979    Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 9. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian