Encounter between the Camps


    A part of the Enemyway ceremony, which is performed to cure people from illness caused by coming into contact with an "enemy," typically someone or an experience outside the Navajo culture and traditional lifeways. According to some histories of the Enemyway, it is sung in order to protect Navajos from harmful ghosts of slain warriors. In the past, this ceremonial was used for returning warriors in order to rid them of the harmful effects of these evil spirits, or chindi. The "Encounter Between the Camps" portion of the ceremony occurs on the final day of the nine-day ceremony, when the "enemy" camp symbolically attacks the patient’s group. Later, the patient’s group brings food and gifts to the enemy's camp.

    Published Works
    Term Type

    Frisbie, Charlotte Johnson
         1980   Approach to the Ethnography of Navajo Ceremonial Performance. Ethnography of
             Musical Performance, Norma Mcleod and Marcia Herndon, eds. Norwood: Norwood

    Haile, Berard
         1943   Origin Legend of the Navaho Flintway. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

    Hirschfelder, Arlene, and Paulette Molin
         2000   Evil Way. Encyclopedia of Native American Religions, Updated Edition. New York:
             Facts On File, Inc.

    Mitchell, Frank
         1978   Navajo Blessingway Singer: The Autobiography of Frank Mitchell, 1881-1967. Tucson:
             University Of Arizona Press.

    Witherspoon, Gary
         1975   Navajo Kinship and Marriage. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.