Coyote People


    In some versions of Navajo cosmology, there are stories and songs about a group of Coyote deities, who are also referred to as Holy People. Coyote, known as First Scolder in much Navajo lore, is a trickster deity that can be both benevolent and evil. The Coyote People show up in the Coyoteway ceremonial that cures Coyote illness, a form of mental illness associated with the ambivalent nature of the coyote.

    Photo Credit

    "Coyote" by Don McCullough is licensed under CC BY-NC.

    Published Works
    Term Type
    Manuscript Occurrences

    Kaplan, Bert, and Dale Johnson
         1964   Social Meaning of Navaho Psychopathology and Psychotherapy. Magic, Faith and
             Healing: Studies in Primitive Psychiatry Today. New York: Free Press of Glencoe.

    Luckert, Karl W.
         1979   Coyoteway: A Navajo Holyway Healing Ceremonial. Tucson: University of Arizona

    Waldman, Carl
         1994   Holy People. Word Dance: The Language of Native American Culture. New York:
             Facts On File, Inc.