

    A term referencing influence from or connection to the the sovereign state known as Korea, which was divided into the countries of North and South Korea in the early stages of the Cold War, which emerged on the global stage as World War II was waning. The Korean people are historically based on the Korean penninsula and Manchuria, and today many live in Pacific Rim countries, with he largest population of ethnic Koreans outside of Korea living in New York and Los Angeles. The result is a well-established Korean diaspora, which finds Korean language, pop culture, technology, and art ever present as global influences.

    Photo Credit

    "Korean food meet at Kuala Lumpur" by Yosomono is licensed under CC BY.

    Published Works
    Term Type

    Kim, Chun-gil
         2005   The History of Korea. Westport: Greenwood Press.

    Kim, Suk-Young
         2014   DMZ Crossing: Performing Emotional Citizenship along the Korean Border. New
             York: Columbia University Press.

    Nahm, Andrew C.
         1988   Korea: Tradition & Transformation, a History of the Korean People. Elizabeth: Hollym
             International Corp..