Salt Water Clan


    The Salt Water Clan, Tódík’ǫ́zhí in Navajo, is a Navajo clan mentioned in several of Tony Hillerman's Navajo detective novels, with land imagined to be somewhere in the vicinity of Toadlena.

    The Navajo, or Diné, are comprised of more than forty family lineages, or clans, that claim common ancestry.

    Published Works
    Term Type
    Manuscript Occurrences

    Lapahie, Harrison, jr.
         2001   List of Diné Clan Names. Diné Dóone’e (Navajo Clans).
   , accessed June 13, 2016.

    Lynch, Regina, Verna Clinton-Tullie, Roy Lynch, Andy Tsihnahjinnie, and T. L. McCarty
         1987   A History of Navajo Clans. Chinle, AZ: Navajo Curriculum Center.