

    A stick, rod, or baton, sometime imbued with symbolic significance. Can be used as a weapon for striking or even throwing.

    Wand can also refer to any long, slender object, such as radio antennae, pointers, and even lacrosse sticks and metal detectors.

    Photo Credit

    "Three staffs, scepters, or wands. Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12, ca. 1981-1802 B.C.. From Middle Egypt, Meir, Burial of Seni, Khashaba excavation, April-May 1910." The Rogers Fund, 1911 and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Licensed under Public Do

    Term Type

    Oxford Dictionaries
         2016   Wand. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/wand,
             accessed July 7, 2016.