Ride the Wind: USA to Africa



Date Published
Publication Details

Rio Grande Publishing, Santa Fe, New Mexico

ISBN Number


Edition Notes

Soft cover edition with white writing and a photo of the Chrysler balloon with pilots in silhouette. The back cover includes an abstract, endorsement by William J. Buchanan, and author biography.

  • Title Page Transcription: RIDE | THE | WIND | USA | TO | AFRICA | by | ANNE | HILLERMAN | RIO GRANDE PUBLISHING | Santa Fe
  • Contents: inside cover, map of previous balloon flights, [i] title page, [ii] Copyright and imprint FIRST PRINTING, [iii] TABLE OF CONTENTS, [iv] blank, 9 Acknowledgements, [x] blank, 11-172 text
  • Physical Attributes:
    • Format: Soft cover, 23 x 15 cm.
    • Binding: Photograph cover wraps spine with bold white title, white back cover with black text.
    • Collation: [i-viii] 9 [x] 11-172
    • Price: USD $13.95