Wer die Vergangenheit stiehlt (Who steals the past) == A Thief of Time [German, Paperback, 2017]



Date Published
Publication Details

Rowohlt Repertoire, 2017, Hamburg, Germany

ISBN Number


Edition Notes

This is a reprinted version of German translation of A Thief of Time titled Who steals the past . The original German publication of this novel is translated by Klaus Froba in 1990.

Copyright for the 2017 issue:
Published by Rowolt Verlag, Reinbek near Hamburg
Envelope design Anzinger and Raso, Munich
Printing and binding CPIT buchbucher.de, Birkach

  • Title Page Transcription: TONY HILLERMAN | Wer die Vergangenheit stiehlt |rowohlt repertoire
  • Contents: [i] Publisher Information [ii] Author Description [iii] Title Page [iv] The Description of Original Publication [v] Acknowledgement [vi-vii] Map of Anasazi Country [11-220] Contents [221] End Matter
  • Physical Attributes:
    • Format:
    • Paperback, 12.5 x 19 cm

    • Binding:
    • White paper covers printed in yellow typography of title and in black for author. At the center of the cover, the circle transiting from light yellow to dark yellow at the center.

    • Collation:
    • [i-vii] 11-220 [221]

    • Price: EUR 9.99 (www.amazon.de)