Date Published
Publication Details
Boston: G.K. Hall, 1990.
ISBN Number
Edition Notes
This is the second large print version of A Thief of Time published by G.K. Hall &Co.of Boston, Massachusetts in 1990. Other than being a paperback, this edition is physically the same as the first large print edition printed in 1898 by G.K. Hall &Co.
The cover design is by Peter Thorpe and depicts a black-on-white ceramic vessel with Ancient Puebloan ruins in the background. This cover is featured on a number of editions of this book, including the first large-print edition.
- Title Page Transcription:
A THIEF OF TIME | Tony Hillerman | G.K. HALL &CO. | Boston, Massachusetts | 1989 - Contents:
[i-iv] blank, [v] half title A THIEF OF TIME, [vi] blank, [vii] title page, [viii] copyright, [ix] acknowledgements, dedication, and Author's Note, [x-xi] map, [xii] blank, [xiii] half title, [xiv] blank, [xv] blank, [xvi] blank, 1-331 text, [332-336] blank - Physical Attributes:
- Format: Paperback, 23.5 x 15.5 cm.
- Binding: Full-color pasteboard cover with LARGE-PRINT, author, title, and publisher's logo printed vertically on the spine.
- Collation: [i-xvi] 1-331 [332-336]
- Price: $13.95 USD