A Thief of Time [Sphere Books Ltd, British edition, 1990]


English [UK]

Date Published
Publication Details

London: Sphere Books LTD, 1990.

ISBN Number


Edition Notes

This is the second paperback United Kingdom edition of A Thief of Time, published in 1990 by Sphere Books Ltd, in London, England.

The cover design is by Lesley Howell and features a polychrome ceramic vessel with a swirling pattern framed on two sides by double-ended arrows.

  • Title Page Transcription: A THIEF OF | TIME | TONY | HILLERMAN | [publisher's logo] | SPHERE BOOKS LIMITED
  • Contents: [i] excerpt from A Thief of Time and a brief introduction to Hillerman's writing by author Campbell Armstong, [ii] Also by Tony Hillerman in Sphere Books, [iii] title page, [iv] imprint and copyright, [v] acknowledgements, dedication, and Author's Note, [vi-vii] map. [viii] blank, 1-209 text, [210] blank, [211-216] advertisements
  • Physical Attributes:
    • Format: Paperback, 17.8 x 10.7 cm.
    • Binding: Full-color paper covers with the title, author and publisher's logo printed in white vertically on the spine.
    • Collation: [i-viii] 1-209 [210-216]
    • Price: UK £3.50
Hieb, 1990: A10v