English [UK]
Date Published
Publication Details
Leicester: Ulvercroft, 1991.
ISBN Number
Edition Notes
This is the first large-print edition of a A Thief of Time printed in the United Kingdom. This edition was published in 1991 by Ulverscroft and F. A. Thorpe (Publishing) LTD. in Anstey, Leicestershire, Great Britain. The cover art is not credited; however, it depicts a ceramic vessel that is strategically broken to resemble a skull with blood leaking out the opening and it is surrounded by two projectile points and a feather.
- Title Page Transcription:TONY HILLERMAN | [decorative rule] | A | THIEF | OF TIME | Complete and Unabridged | [publisher's logo] | ULVERSCROFT | Leicester
- Contents: [i] A special message to readers from Ulverscroft, [ii] poem by Janice James, [iii] brief book synopsis, [iv] Books by Tony Hillerman in the Ulverscroft Large Print Series, [v] title page, [vi] imprint and copyright, [vii] acknowledgements, [viii] blank, [ix] dedication and Author's Note, [x] blank, 1-[362] text, [363-372] Other titles from Ulverscroft Large Print Series
- Physical Attributes:
- Format: Hardback, 22 x 14 cm.
- Binding: Full-color boards with LARGE PRINT, the title, author, publisher's logo, and publisher's name printed vertically on the spine.
- Collation: [i-x] 1-[362] [363-372]
- Price: No Price Indicated