Date Published
Publication Details
Paris: Rivages/Noir, 1992.
ISBN Number
Edition Notes
This is the second French paperback edition of A Thief of Time. This edition was published in 1992 by Rivages/Noir in Paris, France. Tony Hillerman's original English text was translated into French by Danièle and Pierre Bondil. This is a reissue of A Thief of Time and is significantly smaller than the 1989 Rivages Thriller edition.
The photograph on the cover is by D.R. and depicts a Kwakiutl totem pole carving.
- Title Page Transcription: Tony Hillerman | LE VOLEUR | DE TEMPS | Traduit de l'américain | par Danièle et Pierre Bondil | Collection | dirigée par Franҫois Guérif | rivages/noir
- Contents: [1] blank, [2] copyright, [3] half title Le Voleur de temps, [4] other books by Tony Hillerman and other Rivages/Thriller novels, [5] title page, [6] acknowledgements, dedication, and Author's Note, [7] translator's notes, [8-9] map, [10] blank, 11-330 text, 331-344 glossary, [335]-[338] other thrillers and mysteries by Rivages/Noir, [339] colophon, [340]-[342] blank
- Physical Attributes:
- Format: Paperback, 16.9 x 11 cm.
- Binding: Full-color paper covers with the title, author, publisher, [horizontal rule], and 111 are printed in black vertically on the spine
- Collation: [1-10] 11-330 331-344 [335-342]
- Price: 59 Francs