Date Published
Publication Details
서울, Seoul : Koreaone Press, 1994.
ISBN Number
Edition Notes
This is the first Korean edition of Sacred Clowns. This edition was published in 1994 by Koreanone Press in Seoul, South Korea. The text was translated from Tony Hillerman's original English to Korean by Dong-Hyun Jang. The cover art is not credited but depicts the Sacred Clown figure which is present on many covers from Sacred Clowns.
- Title Page Transcription:
SACRED CLOWN | 카치나의 촘 | [decorative rule] | 토니 힐러앤/장동현 옮김 | [publisher's logo] - Contents:
[i] title page, [ii] publisher's imprint and copyright, [1-3] note from translator, [4] blank, [5] dedication, [6] blank, [7-9] table of contents, [10] statement of fiction and character list, 11-321 text, [322] Tony Hillerman biography, [323] colophon, [324-325] Koreaone Press advertisements [326] blank - Physical Attributes:
- Format: Paperback, 22.5 x15.1 cm.
- Binding: Full-color paper covers with the title, author and publisher's logo printed vertically on the spine.
- Collation: [1-10] 11-321 [322-326]
- Price: 5,500 원 [Won]