Date Published
Publication Details
Paris : Editions Rivages, 1990.
ISBN Number
Edition Notes
This paperback edition is the first translation of The Blessing Way into French. The cover is printed in full color (no credit).
Tony Hillerman Abroad: "A translation by Daniele and Pierre Bondil of The Blessing Way which uses hillerman's original title, 'The Enemy Way.' The cover illustration is a tinted photograph of Monument Valley with a Navajo man kneeling the foreground (not credited)" (Hieb, 1993:[15]).
- Title Page Transcription:
Tony Hillerman | La Voie de | l'nnemi | Traduit de l'américain | par Danièle et Pierre Bondil | Collection dirigée | par François Guérif | rivages/noir - Contents:
[1] half title La Voie de l'Ennemi, [2] copyright, [3] title page, [4] by the author, [5] acknowledgements, [6] note from the editor, [7] note from the translators, [8-9] map, [10] blank, 11-216 text, 217-228 Glossary, [229-231] Rivages/Noir editions, [232] colophone - Physical Attributes:
- Format: Paperback, 16.5 x 10.5 cm.
- Binding: Paper covers with tinted color photography.
- Collation: [1-10] 11-216 217-[232]
- Price: 45 Francs