Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press
This is the hardcover first edition of Talking Mysteries: A Conversation with Tony Hillerman, published by University of New Mexico press in Albuquerque, NM. This volume is a revised and rearranged version of Words, Weather and Wolfmen and contains an autobiographical essay by Hillerman entitled "Mystery, Country Boys and the Big Reservation," an in depth interview with Tony Hillerman by Ernie Bulow, and a Jim Chee mini mystery called "The Witch, Yazzie and the Nice of Clubs" and 12 illustrations inspired by Thief of Time, by artist Ernest Franklin. In addition, several photos of Tony Hillerman and a map of "Hillerman's territory" which marks locations mentioned in the Navajo mystery novels have been added.
- Title Page Transcription:
[decorative device] | [double rule] | TALKING | MYSTERIES | A CONVERSATION | WITH | TONY HILLERMAN | [decorative device] | Tony Hillerman | and | Ernie Bulow | Illustrations by Ernest Franklin | [decorative device] | UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO PRESS | ALBUQUERQUE | [double rule] - Contents:
[1] half title TALKING MYSTERIES, [2] photo of Tony Hillerman, [3] title page, [4] copyright, [5] dedication, [6] blank, [7] contents, [8-9] map, [10] blank, [11] chapter title page, 12-135 text, [136] blank, [137] Books by Tony Hillerman, [138-144] blank - Physical Attributes:
- Format: Hardback, 22 x 14 cm.
- Binding: Light greenish-yellow boards with author, title and "New Mexico" printed in gold on the spine.
- Collation: [1-11] 12-135 [136-144]
- Price: No price indicated