Wer Die Vergangenheit Stiehlt==A Thief of Time [German, paperback, 1997]



Date Published
Publication Details

Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1990.

ISBN Number


Edition Notes

This is the second German edition of A Thief of Time. This 1997 edition was published by Rowholt in Hamburg, Germany. This edition is a part of the RoRoRo Paperback Thriller. RoRoRo is the first paperback series in Germany, the concept of printing inexpensive paperback versions of popular books was imported from America to Germany in the 1950's. This edition of A Thief of Time was translated from Tony Hillerman's original English text to German by Klaus Fröba, and the title directly translates to "Who Steals The past".

  • Title Page Transcription:
    Tony Hillerman | Wer die | Vergangenheit | stiehlt | Deutch von | Klaus Fröba | [publisher's logo] | Rowohlt
  • Contents:
    [1] publisher's logo, [2] brief novel description and biography of Hillerman, [3] title page, [4] copyright, [5] acknowledgements, dedication, and Author's Note, [6-7] map, [8] blank, 11-217 text, [218] blank, [219-220] advertisements, [221] blank
  • Physical Attributes:
    • Format: Paperback, 19 x 11.4 cm.
    • Binding: Full-colored paper covers with the thriller number, title. author, and publisher's logo printed vertically on the spine.
    • Collation: [1-8] [missing pagination] 11-217 [218-221]
    • Price: DM 9.90
Hieb, 1990: A10af