The Blessing Way (1970)

The Blessing Way (1970)

Marine Corps

The smallest uniformed branch of the United States Armed Forces and part of the U.S. Department of the Navy. The Marine Corps is a mobile combined-arms task force for the United States Navy and was created in 1775 by the Continental Congress. The Marines became an official component of the U.S. Navy in 1834. Their motto is Semper Fidelis which means “Always Faithful.”

In its Statement of Purpose, the Marine Corps explains that “The Marine Corps has been America's expeditionary force in readiness since 1775. We [the Marine Corps] are forward deployed to respond swiftly and aggressively in times of crisis. We are soldiers of the sea, providing forces and detachments to naval ships and shore operations.” The Corps has been a part of every landing since the Revolutionary War and is composed of two forces: Fleet Marine Force, Pacific (FMFPAC) and the Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic (FMFLANT).

Many Ruins Canyon, Arizona

Also known as Chinle Wash, Many Ruins Canyon is the repository for the various tributaries of Canyon de Chelly in northeastern Arizona. The red sandstone walls intermittently break into the ledged cliff-dwellings that give the canyon its name. These early sites were abandoned around 1400 CE as part of the mysterious mass disappearance of the peoples who had inhabited the extensive network of cliff dwellings found throughout the Southwest. The Navajo began to settle in and around the canyon during the eighteenth century, pushed westward by Spanish settlement along the Rio Grande and rising antagonisms with the Comanche and Ute tribes to the north and east. Decades of violent struggle for control of the area culminated as Kit Carson brutally implemented the United States’ Navajo removal policy in 1864, when Carson and his troops forced thousands of Navajo to march in the "Long Walk" from Canyon de Chelly to incarceration on a "reservation" at Bosque Redondo. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Navajo died due to starvation, exposure, and illness along the way and during their forced internment. In 1868, Canyon de Chelly, Many Ruins Canyon, and other portions of Navajo Country were returned to the Navajo.

magna cum laude

Four distinctions of Latin honors can be awarded to undergraduate, and occassionally graduate, students who have achieved high academic standing. These honors can be awarded either in Latin or in English. These honors inlcude:

cum laude--with honor

magna cum laude--with great honor

summa cum laude--with highest honor

egregia cum laude--with outstanding honor


A woman who has not yet married. The word comes from the Old English word mǣden with the same definition.

graduate student

A student pursuing an advanced academic or professional degree. At the end of academic graduate programs, as opposed to professional degree programs such as management, law, or medicine, students are required to submit a thesis or dissertation in some form, which is generally a report on their original research.


Also spelled "machine pistol," the machine-pistol is a relatively small, concealable handgun with a high rate of fire. Machine pistols are self-loading automatic handguns that can fire in intermittent or sustained bursts. Fed by a replaceable magazine that can hold up to 20 cartridges, machine pistols have been criticized for their inaccuracy (too much power and too little control against the weapon's kickback) and have come to be replaced by personal defense weapons, a compact version of a submachine gun.

loin cloth

A loin cloth, more commonly spelled loincloth, is a piece of clothing, often rectangular, that is placed around the hips and tied with a band to cover the groin. Often considered the first piece of clothing invented, it can be constructed from plant materials, textiles, or animal hide, such as buckskin.


A quality of richness in soil that has nearly equal amounts of clay, silt, and sand with humus, an organic substance consisting of decayed plat materials. Humus is the element that makes loamy soil incredibly fertile. This mix of sand, clay, silt, and humus causes the soil to be crumbly and prone to retain moisture.


A shaft thatholds a vehicle's wheels and around which they revolve. In most cars there are two axles, one for the front wheels and one for the back wheels. However, axles are a component of any wheeled vehicle including wagons, trains, and semi-trucks.

Vienna sausage

In North America, a short, uncased sausage packaged in cans, with gelatin or some type of sauce. These sausages are usually made from pork, with spices. They are a useful food in environments where refrigeration and cooking are not available.


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