Listening Woman (1978)

Listening Woman (1978)

Listening Woman, Draft 3, p.1-222 (undated).

This draft is a clean, typed manuscript with no editing marks.

Listening Woman, Draft 2, p.1-204 (undated).

This is a typed draft manuscript that includes light to moderate editing. Most corrections are simple spelling, punctuation or word choice edits, however there are several major section re-arrangements indicated.

Listening Woman, Draft 1, p.1-182 (undated).

This is the initial draft of Listening Woman. The manuscript is heavily edited.

Mapped Locations for "Listening Woman"

This map displays the major southwestern geographic references mentioned in the novel, "Listening Woman." It includes locations in Arizona and New Mexico. Click on each map marker to see a brief description of the location. Scroll or zoom the map using your mouse, or click the square icon in the top right corner of the map to view it in full screen mode.


A facial expression indicating disgust, wry irony, displeasure, pain, or some level of emotional or physical discomfort.


The commonly used title of an ordained Catholic priest. In the Catholic Church, a priest is a man who is authorized to perform as a mediator between his congregation and the Christian god. His authority enables him to conduct liturgies and masses, and serve in both a spiritual and administrative capacity within the sphere of the Church’s influence and authority.


A Franciscan is a Christian who belongs to the Franciscan order, which is a Catholic sect that follows the teachings and guidance of St. Francis of Assisi. Preaching a life of repentance, poverty, and service to the poor by attempting to explicitly follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, Saint Francis's teachings began spreading in Rome and its surrounding regions in the 12th century, and grew increasingly popular across Europe after his death in the 13th century. The Franciscan order has a distinct view of nature as a manifestation and mirror of the divine. Even the plants and animals are brothers and sisters to be cherished, because all life retains the ability and duty to praise the Christian God. Because of this relatively open and welcoming practice, the Franciscans were integral in establishing and maintaining colonial outposts at the fringes of Western empires, specifically the Spanish empire in the Americas. Thus, as early as the fifteenth century, the Franciscans, along with the Spanish military, established outposts that brought together military and religious rule in order to control and convert indigenous peoples throughout the Americas.

The influence of Franciscan missionaries is still felt in many Christian establishments in the U.S. Southwest, and has a particularly strong presence in churches located on Native American reservations.


Bitter, as an adjective, can mean sour, acidic, or biting. Bitter can also refer to emotions or attitude, suggesting that when one is bitter, one is filled with resentment, spite, and maybe even a little anger or jealousy.


A scholar working within the discipline of anthropology, which is the study of humans. As a discursive field of studies, anthropology can be broadly divided into four areas: Cultural Anthropology (Ethnology), Physical Anthropology (Evolutionary Anthropology), Linguistics, and Archaeology. Each area can be divided into sub-categories. For example, physical anthropology covers zoology, evolution, and ecology, each of which can be further broken down into subfields of specialization.


An object, usually of everyday use, that was made by people in the past and discovered, often by anthropologists and archaeologists, closer to the present. Artifacts are usually examined for their historical significance and are believed to indicate how peoples of the past lived.

Because Native American tribes have been living in what are now the United States for thousands of years, artifacts from the ancestors of peoples with ancient but still living traditions have been found. This has led to controversy concerning anthropological and archaeological work, as the these surviving traditional communities perceive the work of anthropologists and archaeologists as desecrating objects and sites sacred to Native peoples.


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