Central Intelligence Agency


    The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a special division of the U.S. government that is in charge of foreign information operations. It was created as part of the National Security Act in 1947, which was amended again in 2004 with the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act. The CIA is a secret service known for its high-tech, innovative modes of gathering information and executing special national security operations.It is also known for promulgating and participating in secretive abuses of power, including torture. The primary function of the CIA is to collect information related to national security, mainly through human sources. In recent decades, however, the agency increasingly utilizes cyber technology to collect and analyze information pertinent to counterterrorism, international crime organizations, and drug trafficking.

    Photo Credit

    "Seal of the C.I.A. - Central Intelligence Agency of the United States Government," is licensed under Public Domain.

    Published Works
    Term Type
    Manuscript Occurrences

    Central Intelligence Agency Online
    2013 About CIA. https://www.cia.gov/about-cia, accessed April 8, 2015.