sweet grass


    A perennial grass that grows in mixed grass stands throughout North America and Eurasia. The grass can grow up to 30 inches in height, and the head of the stalk has rough golden seeds. It is known as “Sweet Grass” because of its sweet fragrance. It can be burned as incense, or made into bowls, baskets, and mats.

    Photo Credit

    "Sweet grass, Chief Whitecap Park, Saskatoon, Saksatchewan, canada" by SriMesh is licensed under CC BY-SA.

    Published Works
    Manuscript Occurrences

    Leif, John W.
         2010   Plant fact sheet for sweetgrass [Hierochloe odorata (L.) P. Beauv]. East Lansing,
             MI.:USDA Natural Resources, Conservation Service, Rose Lake Plant Materials Center.