A Thief of Time [Harper Paperbacks, paperback, 1990]



Date Published
Publication Details

New York: Harper Paperbacks, 1990.

ISBN Number


Edition Notes

This is the second American edition of A Thief of Time. This version was first published as a Harper & Row first edition, but this edition is an inexpensive paperback printed by a division of Harper & Row, Harper Paperbacks. It was published in New York City, New York in 1990.

The cover illustration was completed by Peter Thorpe, whose covers have become the iconic symbols of Tony Hillerman's work. The cover illustration depicts the symbol of Kokopelli painted on a black-on-white ceramic olla, next to this image are the images of ceramic sherds, human remains, and a backpack. In the background there is an Ancestral Puebloan dwelling, perhaps it is meant to be Pueblo Bonito which is shaded by the edge of the canyon in Chaco Culture National Historical Park.

  • Title Page Transcription:
    TONY | HILLERMAN | [decorative devise with the ceramic vessel from the cover] | A THIEF | OF TIME | [publisher's logo] | Harper Paperbacks | [rule] | Harper & Row, Publishers, New York | Grand Rapids, Philadelphia, St. Louis, San Francisco | London, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto
  • Contents:
    [i-iii] Praise for Tony Hillerman, [iv] Books by TONY HILLERMAN, [v] title page, [vi] imprint and copyright, [vii] acknowledgements, [viii]blank, [ix] dedication, [x-xi] map, [xii] blank, [xiii] AUTHOR'S NOTE, [xiv] blank, 1-324 text, [325]-334 excerpt from The Dark Wind, [335] colophon, [336-338] advertisements for other Tony Hillerman Harper Paperback editions
  • Physical Attributes:
    • Format: Paperback, 17.2 x 10.5 cm.
    • Binding: Full-color paper covers with the publishers logo, NATIONAL BESTSELLER, the ceramic vessel image from the cover, the title, author, and price printed vertically on the spine. The inside front cover includes the publisher' logo, price, and bar code. The inside back cover includes a picture of Tony Hillerman with a brief author's biography.
    • Collation: [i-xiv] 1-324 [325]-334 [335] [336-338]
    • Price: $4.95 USD
Hieb, 1990: A10m