Date Published
Publication Details
New York: Harper & Row, 1990.
ISBN Number
Edition Notes
This is the first edition of Coyote Waits, which is Tony Hillerman's tenth Navajo Mystery novel. This edition was published in 1990 by Harper and Row Publisher's Inc. in New York City, New York.
The cover illustration is by Peter Thorpe, who designed a majority of the American covers, and depicts a Yeii figure with a fire blazing inside a geometric pattern in the background.
- Title Page Transcription: TONY | HILLERMAN | [decorative rule] | COYOTE WAITS | [decorative rule] | [publisher's logo] | HARPER & ROW, PUBLISHERS, New York | Grand Rapids, Philadelphia, St. Louis, San Fransisco | London, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto
- Contents: [i] half title COYOTE WAITS, [ii] blank, [iii] Books by TONY HILLERMAN, [iv] blank, [v] title page, [vi] copyright and imprint FIRST EDITION...90 91 92 93 94 CC/HC 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2, [vii] dedication, [viii] blank, [ix] half title, [x] statement of fiction, 1-292 text, [293-294] blank
- Physical Attributes:
- Format: Hardback, 24 x 16.3 cm.
- Binding: Orange boards with a maroon cloth spine with a southwestern geometric symbol embossed on the front board. The author, title and publisher are printed vertically in gold on the spine.
- Collation: [i-x] 1-292 [293-294]
- Price:$19.95 USD