Date Published
Publication Details
München: Goldmann Verlag, 1992.
ISBN Number
Edition Notes
This is the second German edition of Coyote Waits. This paperback edition is the tenth book in Hillerman's Navajo Mystery Series. This edition is published by Goldmann Verlag in Munich, Germany, Hillerman's text was translated from "American" English into German by Wulf Bergner.
The cover was designed by Design Team München and the cover photograph was taken from The Image Bank/Spring, München.
- Title Page Transcription: Tony Hillerman | Der Kojote wartet | Roman | Deutsche | Aus dem Amerikanischen |von Wulf Bergner | GOLDMANN VERLAG
- Contents: [1] publisher's logo, [2] novel synopsis and author's note, [3] title page, [4] copyright, [5] dedication, [6] blank, 7-284 text, [385-288] advertisements
- Physical Attributes:
- Format: Paperback, 18 x 11.5 cm.
- Binding: Full-colored paper covers with the title, author, and publisher's logo printed vertically on the spine.
- Collation: [1-6] 7-284 [285-288]
- Price: DM 12,90