La Voie de l'Ennemi==The Blessing Way [French, paperback, 1990]
La Voie de l'Ennemi==The Blessing Way [French, paperback, 1990]
Paris : Editions Rivages, 1990.
This paperback edition is the first translation of The Blessing Way into French. The cover is printed in full color (no credit).
Tony Hillerman Abroad: "A translation by Daniele and Pierre Bondil of The Blessing Way which uses hillerman's original title, 'The Enemy Way.' The cover illustration is a tinted photograph of Monument Valley with a Navajo man kneeling the foreground (not credited)" (Hieb, 1993:[15]).
- Title Page Transcription:
Tony Hillerman | La Voie de | l'nnemi | Traduit de l'américain | par Danièle et Pierre Bondil | Collection dirigée | par François Guérif | rivages/noir - Contents:
[1] half title La Voie de l'Ennemi, [2] copyright, [3] title page, [4] by the author, [5] acknowledgements, [6] note from the editor, [7] note from the translators, [8-9] map, [10] blank, 11-216 text, 217-228 Glossary, [229-231] Rivages/Noir editions, [232] colophone - Physical Attributes:
- Format: Paperback, 16.5 x 10.5 cm.
- Binding: Paper covers with tinted color photography.
- Collation: [1-10] 11-216 217-[232]
- Price: 45 Francs