Talking God (1989)
Die sprechende Maske == Talking God (Talking Mask) [German, Paperback, 2017]
Copyright for the 2017 issue:
Published by Rowolt Verlag, Reinbek near Hamburg
Envelope design Anzinger and Raso, Munich
Printing and binding CPIT, Birkach
Talking God [UK large print edition, hardcover, 1992]
Anstey, Leicester, England: F. A. Thorpe Ltd, 1992.
Dieu qui Parle == Talking God [French, cartoon excerpt, 1999]
Paris: Bayard Presse Jeune
Talking God, correspondence
This is correspondence related to the copyediting of Talking God. It consists of two letters; one letter from the copyeditor for Talking God to Tony Hillerman and a response from Hillerman to the copyeditor.
Talking God, assorted draft pages
This manuscript is a collection of notes, outlines and drafts of a few beginning chapters. There is also a transcript of a conversation discussing competitiveness between academics, instructions on how to save a file and a page outlining the development of Hillerman's plot ideas.