Cultural Reference


In Spanish, "gordo" means fat. As a nickname, it is used in a derogatory way to make fun of a heavy-set person.


A decorative drinking vessel such as a cup or glass that has a foot and a stem, often made out of silver. The origin of the word is in Middle English, and goblets are often found in Medieval European lore of knights and kings.

Gila monster

Gila monster is one of the Navajo Holy People and is thought to be the original medicine man (according to the Flintway ceremony). When drawn in sand paintings and other representations, Gila monster appears as the large, venomous lizard known as the Gila monster, whose native habitat is the Southwestern U.S.. The Gila monster is associated with Navajo traditional healers, especially "hand trembles," because the animal's foot is thought to shake when he walks. Trembling hands are a sign that one has been infected by the Gila Monster is meant to be a healer.


A person who engages in warfare. In stratified armies, warrior can refer to a specific rank, or it can merely refer to one who fights with no predefined role.


A scientist whose work it is to understand the history of our planet. Geology is the study of the Earth, what it's made of, how it came to be made out of those materials, and the processes that have acted, and continue to act, upon those materials, including natural and human-caused disasters at the local and global scales.


A genius is an individual of exceptional talent in some, or perhaps many, areas such as music, film, mathematics, architecture, or even the culinary arts. Although geniuses are considered "gifted," with great precocity and ability can come often but not always a certain amount social awkwardness, resulting in a tendency to associate genius with introversion, antipathy, or antisociability.


Another word for chatty or talkative. Someone who is garrulous talks a lot, all the time, and not necessarily about anything "important." Because garrulous also suggests a lack of focus, as in the tendency of the speaker to wander from subject to subject, it can also connote agedness. In the English language, garrulous is often applied to individuals of an older generation, people who may not have a lot of company, people who have a lot of time on their hands, as well as people who may have reached a point in their lives where they don't really care what anyone thinks, and so they say whatever and as much as they want.


A musical composition, composed of many parts, performed by a symphonic orchestra. This term is also used colloquially for a cacophony of different sounds.


A word that may have appeared at the turn of the twentieth century as a term of contempt for police, based on derogatory criminal slang from the period. To be "fuzzy" was to be unmanly, incompetent, and soft. Therefore, to call the police "the fuzz" was to insult their manhood.

war name

In the Navajo tradition, a war name is a one of several secret names given to children at birth by their parents. The war name is used only in ceremonial situations and in times of danger. The war name is considered to be owned by its bearer and part of his actual being.