Correspondence regarding The Ghostway, 1984-85

This folder contains 11 pieces of business correspondence about The Ghostway, including a congratulatory telegram from Harper & Row upon the publication of the work, and a schedule of Tony Hillerman's promotional tour book signing engagements.

Due to privacy and permissions concerns, correspondence from the Tony Hillerman Collection is not available online. Researchers may view this material in person by visiting the Center for Southwest Research at the University of New Mexico.

Dance Hall of the Dead, Screenplay by George Goldsmith and Larry LaValle, 1984.

This is a motion picture screenplay based on Dance Hall of the Dead, written by George Goldsmith and Larry LaValle. This document is not available online at this time. Researchers can visit the Center for Southwest Research at the University of New Mexico and ask to view Box 2, Folder 7 from the Tony Hillerman Collection to view this screenplay.

The Ghostway, Page Proofs and Revised Proofs, 1984

This is a pre-production proof version of the The Ghostway that was printed by Harper & Row in 1984. It contains numerous layout editing marks and final editorial corrections to the text of the manuscript.

The first page of the manuscript packet is an internal memo between copyeditors at Harper & Row. It reads, "Herewith foul manuscript, foul first pass, and foul third pass, with miscellaneous Xeroxes of repro for corrected pages. Please hold until the author's alteration bill is settled."

As a near-final proof of the printed book, the manuscript pages are not available online. Researchers can view this manuscript in person by visiting the Center for Southwest Research at the University of New Mexico.