Ramah, New Mexico


    Originally settled by Mormon pioneers, who intended to perform missionary work in Zuni and Navajo communities, Ramah sits between the Zuni and Ramah Navajo Reservations. The town was initially intended to be both a spiritual and agricultural center. It currently provides direct access to the Cibola National Forest, El Morro and El Malpais National Monuments, a wolf sanctuary, and a seasonal farmer's market with close ties to the town's original pastoral inhabitants.

    Photo Credit

    "Welcome sign entering Ramah, New Mexico" by Notbob 1647 is in the Public Domain.


    Landgraf, John Leslie
         1954   Land-Use in the Ramah Area of New Mexico: An Anthropological Approach to Areal
             Study. Reports of the Ramah Project, report, no. 5; Papers of the Peabody Museum of
             American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University 42(1). Cambridge: The

    Leighton, Dorothea Cross, and John Adair
         1963   People of the Middle Place: A Study of the Zuni Indians. New Haven: Human
             Relations Area Files.

    Wyaco, Virgil, John Alan Jones, and Carroll L. Riley
         1998   Zuni Life: A Pueblo Indian in Two Worlds.” Albuquerque: University of New Mexico