Zuni people and culture


    Zuni is the name of both a people and a pueblo. The people's original name was A'shiwi, meaning "the flesh." The Zuni currently occupy Zuni Pueblo on the Zuni reservation in western New Mexico, a site that was formerly known as Halona, or "the Middle Place." Being one of the first pueblos contacted by Spanish explorers, the history between the Zuni and European colonists is long and fraught with violence, yet the Zuni have maintained many significant components of their way of life, including their language and their spiritual practices. The Zuni are known for their unique farming methods and skills, their silversmithing, and their traditional ceremonies, especially the winter solstice Shalako celebration.

    Photo Credit

    "Mikalita Wasalute, Zuni Pueblo, NM, March 1992. Corn Mountain can be seen in the background," photograph, Lee Marmon Pictorial Collection (2000-017-B14-F50-1). Center for Southwest Research, University Libraries, University of New Mexico.

    Term Type
    Manuscript Occurrences

    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 12
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 13
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 15
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    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 22
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 25
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 28
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 37
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 38
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 39
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 43
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 44
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 46
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 49
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 51
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 57
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 59
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 60
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 63
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 65
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 66
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 71
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    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 78
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 79
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 80
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 82
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 83
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 88
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 89
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 93
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 103
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 104
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 105
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 108
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 109
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 110
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 111
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    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 115
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 116
    A04 Dance Hall of the Dead (04-06) p. 125


    Benedict, Ruth
         1935   Zuni Mythology. New York: Columbia University Press.

    Bunzel, Ruth Leah
         1992   Zuni Ceremonialism. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

    Dodge, William A.
         2007   Black Rock: A Zuni Cultural Landscape and the Meaning of Place. Jackson:
             University Press of Mississippi.

    Stevenson, Matilda Coxe
         1970   The Zuni Indians. Glorieta: Rio Grande Press.

    Tedlock, Dennis
         1999   Finding the Center: The Art of the Zuni Storyteller. Lincoln: University of Nebraska