.38 caliber pistol


    Sometimes known as a .38 special, this caliber of gun can be found with either a revolving or a semi-automatic firing mechanism. In addition, the bullets fired from this gun can be either center-fired or rimmed. Center-fire cartridges are primed and struck in the center of the cartridge base, whereas rim-fire cartridges are primed and struck on the protruding rim on the base of the cartridge. Due to its minimal recoil, which is the reactive movement of a gun after firing, and its accuracy, the .38 caliber is a popular gun.

    Photo Credit

    "S&W Military & Police .38 Special, April 26, 2010" by crazyad0boy is licensed under CC BY.

    Term Type

    Forker, Bob
         2006   The .38 Super: A Smokin' Auto Pistol Round That's Big with the Competition Set.
             Guns & Ammo 50 (12): 22.

    Forker, Bob
         2006   Loads for the .38 Special: Accuracy and Controllability Ensure the Greatest .38's
             Longevity. Guns & Ammo 50 (5): 22.

    Wright, James D.; Rossi, Peter H.; Daly, Kathleen
         1983   Under the Gun: Weapons, Crime and Violence in America Hawthorne, New York:
             Aldine de Gruyter.