Colorado River


    This is the largest river in the Southwestern United States, and its headwaters are located in the state of Colorado at La Poudre Pass Lake. The Colorado runs through the U.S. states of Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada before crossing into Mexico on its way to Baja California. The Navajo name for the river is Nts’ósíkooh, meaning “Slim Water Canyon.” The Colorado River is considered female by the Navajo, and the location where the Colorado River is “mounted” by the (male) San Juan River, at what is now Lake Powell, is sacred to the Navajo.

    Photo Credit

    "View of the Colorado River from Navajo Bridge, May 26, 2012" by Danny Armstrong is licensed under CC BY.

    Published Works
    Manuscript Occurrences

    Linford, Laurance D.
         2001   Tony Hillerman's Navajoland: Hideouts, Haunts, and Havens in the Joe Leaphorn
             and Jim Chee Mysteries. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.