federal surveyor


    A federal surveyor is someone who works for the U.S. Department of the Interior and Geological Survey to survey land and create maps based on their surveys. Federal surveyors are experts in aspects of geology, elevation, drainage, topography, and a variety of distinct terrains. After taking their measurements from above and below ground, they are able to create accurate maps and establish boundaries on federal land. In many cases, federal surveyors work on Native American reservations.

    Photo Credit

    "#BLMcareers, May 11, 2008" by BLM Oregon is licensed under CC BY.

    Published Works
    Term Type
    Manuscript Occurrences

    Certified Federal Surveyors
         2015   What is CFedS. http://www.cfeds.org/info_history.asp, accessed May 5, 2015.

    Locsin, Aurelio
         2015   "Federal Surveyor Certification." Chron.
             http://work.chron.com/federal-surveyor-certification-16864.html, accessed May 5, 2015.