Hopi Motel, Arizona


    The Hopi Motel, now referred to as an inn or hotel, is part of the Hopi Cultural Center, which is located on Second Mesa on the Hopi Reservation in Arizona. The cultural center also includes a restaurant, a visitor center, and a trading post for Hopi arts and crafts. It provides information about Hopi culture and about visits to the Hopi mesas, especially the well-known, ancient village of Walpi.

    Photo Credit

    "Hopi Indian pueblo of Walapi (or Walpai), ca.1901" by Charles C. Pierce is licensed under Public Domain.

    Published Works
    Manuscript Occurrences

    The Hopi Cultural Center
         N.d.   Welcome. http://www.hopiculturalcenter.com/, accessed November 9, 2015.