Ladrón de Tiempo==A Thief of Time [Spanish, paperback, 1989]


Spanish [Spain]

Date Published
Publication Details

Barcelona: Versal, 1989.

ISBN Number


Edition Notes

This is the second Spanish edition of A Thief of Time published in April of 1989 by Versal S.A. in Barcelona, Spain. This is the Crimen & CIA edition of the book, which seems to be a crime novel version of the book. The text was translated from Tony Hillerman's original English to Spanish by Marco-Aurelio Galmarini and the cover design is by Joan Batallé.

  • Title Page Transcription:
    Tony | Hillerman | LANDRÓN | DE TIEMPO | [publisher' logo]
  • Contents:
    [1] blank, [2] blank, [3] half title LANDRÓN DE TIEMPO, [4] blank, [5] title page, [6] publisher's imprint and copyright, [7] acknowledgements, dedication, and AUTHOR'S NOTE, [8] blank, 9-206 text, [207-208] blank
  • Physical Attributes:
    • Format: Paperback, 20.5 x 13 cm.
    • Binding: Full-colored paper covers with the number 20, title, author, and publisher printed vertically on the spine.
    • Collation: [1-8] 9-206 [207-208]
    • Price: $14.95 USD
Hieb, 1990: A10o